1 Stop Mortgage Calculator Suite
Calculate mortgage
payments in seconds!
On your web site or Offline on your computer!
In less than 2 1/2 minutes from now any one (or all)
of the following FIVE (5) mortgage calculators could be on 1
Bi-weekly mortgage payments vs. monthly mortgage payments |
Other calculators (available in a different package): US mortgage calculators with amortization table for real estate agent web sites or as stand alone application for offline computing
Also available: Canadian mortgage calculators with amortization tables
Date: From: Dominique Peladeau Dear Internet Friend, If you’d like to finally increase your web presence, help your customers and generate more profits without spending a fortune, then this might be one of the most important letters you’ll ever read. It's crazy. One of my friends, a real estate agent, was telling me that he just couldn’t stand his pocket calculator anymore. - Dominique, he said, why do I have to carry a pocket calculator when I already carry a laptop computer? - What do you mean? - It's all those loan calculators mortgage calculator calculations things. When I’m in a customer's home, I’m not connected to the internet... so I have to use a pocket calculator. And as you know, with a pocket calculator, it's more than easy to do mistakes... - Yes, I know. - Dominique! You're the computer guy, find me a mortgage calculator that works on my computer even when I'm not connected to the internet... and while you're at it, find one that I can put on my web site! I looked all over the Internet, searched and searched... and I couldn’t find a mortgage calculator that would do everything he wanted at the price he wanted (for less than a good meal at the restaurant). Sure, I found a few websites that sold some mortgage calculators, some with mortgage payment software, one as a stand alone application, computer calculators, loan formula, INTEREST formula and more, -- all at outrageous prices -- I even found some sites that rented them (ouch!)... But I just couldn’t find the little piece of software that would easily solve my real estate friend's problem without breaking the bank. And what he wanted wasn't that complicated either: A plain and simple mortgage calculator that can do 2 types of calculations: • Find the periodic payment
• Find the loan principal
So... I made the software! And not with an obscure programming language that you must install on your web server after you ask your web host provider if you can install it... No. I took the normal mathematical mortgage formula and I transformed it into a javascript function. Once I had this javascript mortgage calculator code and formula, it was easy to program the mortgage calculators. The result of my efforts is called the... Mortgage Calculator
Suite The Mortgage Calculator Suite is a group of 5 easy to use javascript mortgage calculators that work online or offline! See above for live examples of online mortgage calculators.
And I envy you. Because now, with the "Mortgage Calculator Suite", your work will be easier and more efficient. And you won't have to take a loan to own it! Just imagine, people coming and coming again and again to your website, not to your competitor's, because you finally have a mortgage calculator, because you finally have a web site with interactivity. • Interactivity breeds
sales and trust! • Personalization
breeds sales! • Lost visitors
means lost sales! What's the Mortgage Calculator Suite? It's 5 mortgage
If you can copy and paste, you can install these calculators on your web site in less than 2 1/2 minutes. That's not all! You can also install them on your computer or your laptop! How do you install them on your computer? It's simple, just order and download the Mortgage Calculator Suite NOW, and a few seconds later you can start using them on your own computer! It's that easy!
Mortgage calculators are Site traffic magnetsInteractivity is one of the main reasons web surfers return to a web site. And the more interactive your website, the better chance you have of getting repeat visitors. It’s a known fact that on average, it takes 7 return visits for a visitor to become comfortable enough with your website to place an order. The “Mortgage Calculator Suite” is an easy way to increase your website’s interactivity without spending a fortune. All you have to do is to is add one (or more – up to 5!) ready-made mortgage calculator to your website… at a fraction of the cost of hiring a programmer to create it for you.
Why Choose the Mortgage Calculator Suite?• No programming
• No extra work load
on your web server
• No special plug-in
• One-time fee
• No exterior server
to worry about
• The mortgage calculators
are on your web site!
• User friendly
• Stable
• No outside ads
– You keep your visitors
• Totally secure
• No special programming
language to install on your web server
• Versatile –
Runs on the PC or the Mac platform
An amazing opportunity! The Mortgage Reports suite (a $39.95 value!) is a complete system that shows you... How to inexpensively
The “Mortgage Reports Suite” is a series of mortgage and real estate teaser texts that you put on your web pages. Once a website visitor reads one of the teaser texts, he leaves his name, email address and phone number in exchange for a special mortgage report.
You get to keep this Powerful Bonus just for trying The Mortgage Calculator Suite!
For more information about this incredible buyer and seller lead generating system, click here to see the mortgage reports suite! (this will open in a new window, so you won't lose this page). But don't order there, or you will have to pay full price for it... while you get it here for free when you purchase the Mortgage Calculator Suite.
When you order the 1 Stop Mortgage Calculator Suite you get:
More content, more traffic, more clicks, more sales opportunities!
This offer is limited and can change at any time.
The only way I can guarantee you will get the price listed above is if
you order now.
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
If you are not completely satisfied with this product, simply
email me within 30 days of the purchase date and I will personally refund
every penny of the purchase price! Order
Dominique Peladeau
Publisher, 1 Stop Mortgage Calculator Suite
P.S. : Remember, you don’t want to waste time. This offer is limited and can change at any time. The only way I can guarantee you will get the price listed above is if you order now!
If you have any questions... just email me at 1stop@videotron.ca
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886 de L'Epee ave., Outremont, QC, H3V 3V3 • (514) 571-9747 (9-5
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